I've been bogged down with not-so-fun reading lately, but I'm still the biggest author groupie ever. I went to see Richard Price speak last month and saw Heather Armstrong last night. I didn't write about the Richard Price event because I actually slept through almost the entire thing. Some author's just aren't great at reading their own books aloud. His books are amazing though, so I highly recommend them. I'm reading Clockers right now by him.

But last night I got to meet Heather Armstrong, which was awesome. If you've never heard of Heather Armstrong, I highly recommend you check out her blog. I've been following her
on Twitter for about six months and have been reading
her blog for about a year. I love her voice and her point of view on so many things. Plus, she's pretty hilarious (in my book anyway). The best thing about going to see her though was that a bunch of my girlfriends actually wanted to come along. Most of the time they have no idea who the authors are that I go to see so they're not interested, but this time they were actually the ones who asked me to go to a book signing. As always, it was a treat to meet an author and Dooce was great at reading her own stuff. She's just as funny in person, but way taller than I expected. Seeing her come out was a bit of a shock to me, especially considering I'm only 5'1". I'm always shocked by tall people.
Anyway, Dooce's book,
It Sucked and then I Cried, is out now. It's a story about her first pregnancy and the postpartum depression that followed. One of my friends has read quite a bit of the book already and says she's enjoying it so far. I'm going to be borrowing hers when she's finished so it may be awhile before you get a real review of it from me. Until then, feel free to check it out
on Amazon.

Oh, also, my friends and I could not get over this sign posted at
Books Inc., where the book signing was. Apparently they have a huge problem with cults in Mountain View (aka Yuppieville), Calif.
More book reviews to come soon, I promise!