Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Weekly Geeks #2 - Linking Up With YOU

I'm a little late posting my second Weekly Geeks assignment, mostly because I had to put a lot of thought into it. Straight off, I liked the idea of all us book bloggers linking to other reviews of books we have reviewed. I love reading what other people have to say about books, especially when they don't agree with me. I think it gives me a better understanding of the books. Not only that, I think it is a benefit to my readers because they can get several opinions/reflections of one book, giving them more to use when deciding whether to pick up the books themselves.

So, you're asking, with me being so optimistic about this option, why did it take me so long to jump on board? Well, it's the logistics of it. I was worried I'd forget to remind people to send me links to their posts or that I'd get lazy with the follow-through. But after thinking about it a little more, I realized I have way less work to do than some of you other book bloggers. After all, I've only been around for 4 months so I don't have that many past links I'd have to catch up on if everyone sent me links to all of my past reviews. Also, I decided, as a back up, to post a note over in my sidebar >>>> to let people know they can send me links to their posts about the same books I've reviewed. This way if I forget to remind you, you can't say I didn't have it posted. (I know, I'm a cheater, but at least I've got my back covered).

SO, with that said, start sending me links to your reviews so I can get this thing updated! :-)

My email: bexadler at yahoo


Marg said...

I took a little while to decide too, mainly because I do have a load of reviews! We have a couple in common:

Water for Elephants

A Thousand Splendid Suns

My Sister's Keeper

The Road

Suitcase Francaise

Becca said...

Hey Marg, thanks so much for doing the work for me! :-) And thanks for including my reviews in your posts. You're really on top of this. Good job!