Thursday, December 18, 2008

Where I've been

I know it's been quiet around here lately and I apologize. I didn't realize how hectic the holiday season was going to be for me and I haven't had much time to read lately, which explains why there haven't been many blogs as of late. I also haven't been able to keep up with any other blogs like I normally would, but this week is finals week at school, so I'll be finished up for a couple of weeks, which will hopefully get me back on track and back to blogging. I'll try to get some books read and some reviews posted during my five week break from school. It'll be such a relief to finally get some leisure reading in.

I hope you all are doing well and have a happy holiday season!


Unknown said...

Hi Rebecca. I hope your finals go well and happy early birthday and Merry Christmas and New Year's. ~Chason

Serena said...

here's wishing you luck. Happy Holidays

Anonymous said...

I just submitted my last paper for the semester yesterday, it feels great! Congrats to you, and enjoy the holidays (and getting to more reading :) ).
