Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Movies Based on Books

I know, I know, this is a common complaint among those of us who read, but I'm going to bring it up anyway. I just saw Angels & Demons in theater and I just couldn't believe the number of things they changed while making the movie. I realize that some of it was to make the story flow better, but, even major things were changed (like having Cardinal Baggia live). I also recently saw the new Harry Potter movie and I was just really not impressed by it. However, it has been quite some times since I read that book so I wasn't able to pinpoint the major changes they made while turning the book into a movie.

I know I can't expect the movie to be the same as the book, but why am I always so disappointed by the big screen version of books I loved? It really, really makes me not want to go see The Time Traveler's Wife or My Sister's Keeper. I just know they'll let me down. I mean, honestly, how could they possibly make The Time Traveler's Wife into a movie and keep the major story line the same? Has anyone seen these new ones? What did you think?


CJ said...

I haven't read Angels and Demons but I did see the new Harry Potter and can say I feel a bit like you did. I understand that when you adapt a long work to the screen a lot of it gets cut but the cuts, along with the changes, left me not as impressed as with the others.


Jill said...

My Sister's Keeper was a completely frustrating movie, having read the book. It made me so mad...why take a bestseller and change the very elements that made it so powerful?!?

Becca said...

CJ: Yeah, I don't know that they really changed much (it's been awhile since I've read the Harry Potter series), but I just wasn't as into the latest movie as the others. Also, I thought the acting wasn't as good as in past movies. Is that weird? It is the same actors after all...

Jill: Thanks for the heads up. I think I'll skip that one. I wasn't really looking forward to seeing it anyway. LOVED the book though.

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen either of the newer movies. I did see Angels and Demons though. I think if you're watching a movie based on a book, you just have to forget the book. You have to be willing to enjoy the movie for its own sake.

Kim (Sophisticated Dorkiness) said...

I didn't mind this Harry Potter adaption as much as the last one -- I hated what they did to book 5. I felt like this one did the story justice, even if it had to skip around a bit to make everything fit. I didn't really like the ending though, it felt too open-ended. But I guess the book was that way... I can't remember now!

Becca said...

Kim: I know what you mean! I can't remember any of it now. I definitely need to go back and re-read the series. I don't remember what happened in which book when anymore!

Monica (aka monnibo) said...

I really want to see how they do Time Traveller's Wife... and you will probably explode if you watch My Sister's Keeper. They changed the ending DRASTICALLY.

Becca said...

Monnibo: It's funny b/c when I was reading The Time Traveler's Wife, I kept wondering how they could possibly turn it into a movie, so I'm curious about that one. And thanks for helping me make up my mind not to see My Sister's Keeper. :-)

Kim L said...

I was okay with HP, but mostly because I don't have the highest expectations for the movies. I want to be entertained and be able to reasonably follow an interesting plot line. I felt like the move fit the bill. But Time Traveler's Wife... now that was a great book, but I just can't see how it could be a good movie. Especially since the preview did not really blow me away. I'm staying away until I hear whether or not it is worth the time.