Thursday, January 8, 2009

How do you stay motivated to read?

I'm super excited because one of my best friends just loaned me her copy of Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood. I've already read this book, but I loved it to pieces and need something to read right now that I know I'm going to enjoy. Funny thing is that I almost never re-read books. The last book that I read more than once was Matilda. I read that thing over and over and over when I was in grade school. Roald Dahl was my most favorite author in the world at that time.

Anyway, I still haven't finished Audacity of Hope, nor have I begun any interesting or fun books. My live-in boyfriend of three years broke up with me between my birthday (Dec. 21) and Christmas Eve and is in the process of moving out right now. I know there are much worse things that can happen, but I can't help being depressed about it. Hopefully once all of his things are out of the house I'll be feeling more like myself and be interested in reading/blogging again. I'm sorry I've been so flakey lately on here, but I hope you'll understand and still stop by once I'm up and running again.

Maybe some of you have suggestions of some good books that I could read right now? Or some suggestions on how to stay motivated to get through my TBR pile while I'm stressed/depressed? Do any of you ever just NOT feel like reading? This is the first time this has happened to me. I'd love to hear some of your thoughts and suggestions.


Lezlie said...

I'm so sorry, Becca. Something like that always throws a monkey wrench into things. Just remember the book community is here for you, and as you start to bounce back, so will your reading habits. I promise. Hugs!


Heather J. @ TLC Book Tours said...

I'm sorry your in such a rough spot right now. Don't worry - we all understand. Get back to regular posting when you're feeling up to it.

I too cannot read when I'm stressed or depressed, unless I find a book that is so engrossing that I literally tune out the rest of the world. I do have a suggestion on that front. Embarrasing as it may be (and as horrible as the writing is), the Twilight books are ones that will totally suck you in and make you forget about your problems for a while. I thought I'd hate them, but I got totally addicted instead.

Keep your chin up. I hope things get better for you really soon.

Serena said...

I am so sorry to hear the bad news. This is a terrible time for you to be worrying about the TBR pile. I say take some me time and if you feel like some escape books. Books that will make you laugh.

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Oh, Becca, that's rough. But now you can move forward onto something (someONE) better. Not that he was bad, but clearly, you need someone who's around for the long haul.

As for reading... just pick something you think will bring you comfort. A world you can crawl into and get lost in, that'll take you away from your own problems for a bit.

Hang in there!

beastmomma said...

I am sorry also Becca. If you are not motivated to read, watching some television might help. The show arrested development is good at making me feel better. I also enjoy the show Monk.

Michelle Fluttering Butterflies said...

I'm really sorry to hear that :( I wouldn't be too worried about keeping up with your pile or blogging right now. Just take some time out for you and make yourself feel better for awhile, and then come back. We'll all be here for you.

E said...

Sorry to hear about this. Don't worry about not posting - you need to take some time out for yourself. Your love of reading will come back someday. Hugs!

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry about your breakup. No matter what the situation, terminating a long term relationship is NEVER easy.

When I'm stressed or depressed, I like to read mindless comfort reads, stuff that I've read over and over and still love (for me, one that comes to mind is the Harry Potter series). It's like getting together with an old friend. :)

Also any book that totally sucks you in and completely draws your focus away from anything else is always good during times of stress. The only problem is, you have to attempt a few books perhaps before you find one that fits the bill. You could always pop over to the library and start reading something there, if it captivates you, take it home!

Anonymous said...

I just thought of something else... when I had some hard times a few years ago, I went to Blockbuster and rented the first season of a show I had been wanting to watch, but previously had no time for. It totally helped take my mind off what was going on, and now it's one of my favorite shows! Sometimes TV is better than reading, just for situations like these.

Hope you feel better soon.

Laura said...

I'm sorry to hear that:( I like to watch seasons of "Friends" while eating Chinese food when I'm feeling down. I hope things turn around for you soon!

Becca said...

Thanks to everyone for the comments! I really appreciate it. I've been wanting to read the Twilight series anyway since everyone has been talking about it, so maybe I'll put myself on the wait list at the library. Also, I love that so many of suggested TV. I thought it was bad that I'm obsessed with TV right now, but maybe it's just what the doctor ordered. I began getting The L Word on Netflix because one of my friends recommended it and I'm already on season 5. Yeah, I have no life right now...

Stephanie said...

So sorry to hear that things are rough right now. Fluff reading is the best when things get tough. If you're wanting to keep working through your TBR pile, pick only the fluffiest stuff, and nothing heavy. And maybe do something fun just for you- pick up a new hobby, take a class, that kind of thing.

Hang in there, Becca. *hugs*

CJ said...

Becca -

So, here's the thing.

Breaking up is losing someone, almost as surely as losing someone who has died.

Give yourself time to feel the loss and the grief. We so very rarely do that these days and I just don't get it.

Read what your heart wants you to read. Don't read if you aren't motivated to do so. TV is a good distraction.

Bottom line: Let it be what it is.

You're in my thoughts.


John Mutford said...

I rarely read books either, the only one I've reread as an adult is The Old Man And The Sea. Didn't enjoy it either time.

As for a recommendation, I'd say go for something funny. I'd suggest Barney's Version by Modecai Richler.

Anonymous said...

I can't...

I can't believe ANYONE would break-up with someone during that specific time.

I don't think I can even imagine how that might feel so I won't say, "I know how you feel."

Becca said...

Thanks everyone for your thoughts and comments. The boy finally got all of his stuff out on Sunday and now I'm feeling much better. Should be back up and running in no time.