I went to San Francisco to see Lance Reynald read from his book, Pop Salvation, on Thursday evening. (That's me with the short hair and big earrings). There were only a few of us in the audience, which made it cool because we were all able to ask questions from the author and had more time to talk to him than if there had been a hundred people waiting to get a signature. I was a little bit starstruck though. I got all nervous and fidgety for some reason. This seems to happen to me whenever I meet authors I've talked to online. I don't know why. Does this happen to any of you?
I've never gotten starstruck with an author or any of the rock musicians I've met (Kiss, Poison, Skid Row, ever so long ago!), but when I recently met members of the Minnesota Timberwolves, I sputtered like an idiot! :-)
no reason to get nervous!!!
seriously, I know from my side of things I was probably equally so... I always get starstruck by the audience.
you were great and it was a pleasure meeting all of you.
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