Thursday, July 24, 2008

Speaking of Banned Books...

This is a pre-challenge announcement. I'm going to be hosting a Banned Books Challenge starting January 2009 (I don't think anyone else has one of these, but please let me know if you've heard of something like it. I don't want to step on any toes around here). The goal will be to read 12 banned books by the end of next year. I have already put together a site here, which includes a list of banned books, although I have yet to make buttons and a sign up sheet. This is really just to get you interested.

I know everybody signs up for tons of challenges at the beginning of the year so I thought if I put mine out there early then more people would have it in their minds to participate. This will be my first time hosting a challenge so I hope to get some good participation. I'll post about this again as it gets closer, I just wanted to let you all know it was going to be available. I'm super excited for it!

P.S. Don't forget to leave a comment here for a chance to win one of three books!


Laura said...

Great idea! I'll have to remember this is coming up and leave some room for this challenge!

katrina said...

Sounds great, there is a banned book challenge running here
at the mo, not sure if it will be run next year, or if it will be an issue

Becca said...

Katrina: Thanks for the heads up. I'll be sure to watch it. Maybe it will be alright though because theirs is only a 6-month challenge? Hmmmm....

Stephanie said...

Oh, this sounds so cool! I'll keep an eye out, I think this is one I'd love to participate in. I'm all about doing things people tell me not to! :D

Esperanza said...

I love this idea. Please do share the list when you get an idea. Thanks!