While I was skulking around the library last week, I discovered a couple of cool events that I really want to take part in. I thought maybe some of you would be interested as well, so here they are:

The Arden-Dimick Library (891 Watt Ave, corner of Watt and Northrop) is holding an open book club featuring banned books. The first meeting is Sunday, June 22 at 2 p.m. and features
In Cold Blood by Truman Capote. Admittedly, I've avoided this book for years merely for the fact that the title
sounds scary. I never even bothered to look at what the book was about. I guess I'm about to finally find out. In July the book is
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov, and in August it's
Beloved by Toni Morrison. I love that they've already got it scheduled so I can plan out my reading accordingly.
In addition, the Rancho Cordova Library (9845 Folsom Blvd.) will be holding three seminars about tea. The first is "What is tea, and the history of tea" to be held Saturday, September 27 at 2 p.m. In October they will discuss "The Traditions of Tea," followed by "Tea and the Arts" in November. I know I don't make it sound too interesting here, but I'm super excited about this event. I think it'll be amazing to learn more about the traditions and cultures behind tea. Maybe I'm just a big dork though.
Anyway, if you're interested and shy about going, I'll be there so you don't have to feel awkward. I'll be a big geek with you. Awesome, right?!
A book club for banned books sounds interesting (and will probably give you lots to talk about)!
"In Cold Blood" was banned? I swear, do people not understand the concept of learning from history? I have the book if you want to borrow it.
Dang it. That was Layla posting.
Layla: Haha, I'm glad you left a second comment. I was wondering how I'd contact an anonymous commenter to borrow the book. Oh, and thanks for the offer but I already checked it out from the library. :-)
I wish I was in the area ... Maryland is just too far away - LOL! I'd love to do the Tea thing.
Heather: I'm SO glad I'm not the only dork out there! I wish you lived closer too so we could go together.
Skulking around the library?
I love that.
In Cold Blood is an interesting story, if you like true crime stories.
CJ: I'm not usually a fan of true crime stories, mostly because I'm really paranoid and scared of everything already. But I'm sure I'll enjoy it (even if it gives me nightmares for awhile afterward).
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